Le Puy Ste Réparade, France – February 04th 2020 – Powersys will sponsor the 8th International Conference Advanced E-Motor Technology 2020 that will take place at the Titanic Chaussee in Berlin, Germany, on 11 – 13 February 2020.
“To participate actively in the E-Motor Technology conference offers a unique opportunity to show the German Automotive market how Powersys unique solutions can solve electrification challenges,” said Martin Michels, Powersys’ German Sales Manager. Powersys will not only have a booth at the conference, it will also host an expert roundtable with its customer, Daimler AG, on February 12th from 1:50 pm to 2:40 pm. This roundtable will focus on the development and simulation of multiphase machines.
“The development of multiphase machine has become more attractive due to the many advantages they provide compared to their three-phase counterparts,” said Ahmed Shoeb, Powersys’ JMAG Expert. “However, control circuit design has proven to be a challenge due to the high current harmonics that need to be taken into account and their effects on motor parameters. We will be discussing the use of spatial harmonic models in the development of control circuits.”
About the 8th International Conference E-Motor Technology 2020
The Conference E-Motor Technology is organized by IQPC. Some of the key topics of the conference: – Meet leading OEMs from Europe and Asia and hear their views on the e-motor architecture and design – Hear achievements shared by the industry committed to being fully electric with lessons learned and case studies from OEMs and Tier1 suppliers,…
To find out more: www.automotive-iq.com/events-e-motor-conference/
About Powersys
Powersys is a worldwide engineering software and services company providing global Solutions for Electrification. POWERSYS enables its clients to successfully implement their projects through a global offer. From engineering services to software development, POWERSYS offers a range of professional services to industry, research, and education in the field of Electrical & Electromechanical Power Systems.
To find out more: www.powersys-solutions.com