CradleCFD2021-1_cover_Product Update


What’s new in Cradle CFD 2021.1

The Cradle CFD Version 2021.1 is now available as a Multiphysics Computational Fluid Dynamics solution to enhance your productivity and aid smart manufacturing. Discover the enhancements of scFLOW, scSTREAM, HeatDesigner and SC/Tetra!


Release Highlights in scFLOW


CradleCFD2021-1_cover_Product Update


  • DEM-based String model: The string model effectively allows the user to represent string-shaped objects with a string of DEM particles linked together, enabling the analysis of large deformation of string-shared objects and interaction with the surrounding fluid to represent foreign objects in pumps.
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  • Grouping of solid parts in voxel fitting mesher: Voxel fitting meshes can treat the region consisting of multiple sheet parts as one part, effectively meshing them together and closing small gaps.

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Release Highlights in scSTREAM


    • Import parts from An automated workflow to import parts from was added to scSTREAM, the online CAD data library provided by CADENAS, that enables you access to a vast library of standard part for Electronics of Built Environment model creation.

    • Supports for ECXML export: ECXML is an agnostic open file format that does not depend on any specific CFD tool to distribute compact thermal models to other users. scSTREAM supports the read-in of models on this file format and now also supports the export compact thermal model on the ECXML file format that enables data interchange with other simulation tools.

CradleCFD2021-1_cover_Product Update
      • Extension of cut-cell method: All cut-cell models now support solar radiation & light source (lamp) radiation analysis. You can handle curved surfaces and slopes because of the support of thin and panel parts for using Multiblock. GSLR (Global Solar Radiation) for solar analysis and light ray graphic for light sources can be outputted for visualisation in scPOST.

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Release Highlights in scPOST


  • Photorealistic visualization: Enhancement in lighting and reflection now enables scPOST to create photorealistic renderings. Further, by including a rich set of predefined material settings for common objects seen in CFD analysis, one can click a button and create stunning images.
  • Improvement of fabric model visualisation: It is challenging to visualise entities of the fabric model if it starts to wrinkle and roll up. Therefore a flat 2D view, the so-called development view, is available that now also allow custom aspect rations and local coordinate systems.
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